Metatheoretical Map (Action, Order)

As discussed in class, as well as the reading on Charles Lemert, there is a certain axis on which order and action lie. In the example of Order which would be found on the X axis, individualism would be found towards the left side and collectivism toward the right side. Individual means that the patterns of social life emerge from ongoing interactions. Collective means that the patterns of social life seen as existing structural arrangements. Going directly through the line of Order would be Action. An Action is either Rational or Non Rational. Rational being at the bottom of the Y axis, Non-rational being at the top. Rational here means motivated by reward (increasing benefits and minimizing cost). Non-Rational here means the action about to take place is motivated by ideals, morals, rules, habits, and moral state. Based on this Axis, we can put theorists into four different categories. Individual Rational, Individual Non Rational, Collective rational and Collective Non Rational. Of course, not all theorists fall into a specific one category but can be put into two.

Looking at the axis, we can see that everyday life activities can be categorized in this axis, an example given by the reading was the red light example. It is not rational to stay waiting at a red light if there is no chance of you being caught but the reason one would do it is because of Norms and Ideals set by the society as well as state of mind (being fear of the government and getting a ticket in this scenario).  In a personal example, while working at the pharmacy, I am obligated to deliver pills and in order to optimize my free time I use a rational thought while on deliveries. Pass red lights when cops are not visible and it works fine for me because I can sleep during work hours (ethical, probably not. But if I finish earlier than supposed to shouldn’t I be free to have free time?)

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